Native Speaker Angielski Warszawa ABSOLWENT UNIWERSYTETU CAMBRIDGE Rodowity Brytyjczyk ! Lektor filmow dokumentalnych ! Bialoleka ! Wyrazna i prawidlowa wymowa, szeroki zasob slownictwa oraz zwracanie uwagi na szczegoly to podstawy najlepszej i najskuteczniejszej nauki jezyka obcego ! Lekcje sa interesujace i stymulujace oparte na ciaglej KONWERSACJI ! Przesadnie dlugi czas spedzony nad nauka gramatyki do niczego nie sluzy ! Oferuje prawidlowy Business English z zakresu prawa, bankowosci, ksiegowosci, sprzedazy, negocjacji, marketingu itp. Tlumaczenia. Uwaga: Nieprawidlowa nauka przyczynia sie do utrwalenia zlych przyzwyczajen ! Nie daj sie oszukac skutecznie zainwestuj swoj czas i pieniadz !
Native Speaker from Great Britain (Cambridge University ! Narrator of documentary films ! Bialoleka ! British English clearly spoken and correctly pronounced with exceptional vocabulary ! Lessons are both interesting and stimulating based on continuous conversation. This method of teaching facilitates easier understanding and faster learning ! Excessive time spent on grammar serves no useful purpose ! Instead, immense emphasis is placed on correct pronunciation and proper use of words ! Business English is taught to professionals and executives with full knowledge and understanding of the specialized vocabulary. If you desire to learn English which will distinguish you from the 'crowd' then this is your opportunity ! It will most certainly pay 'dividends' in an ever demanding employment market. Note: Bad learning means bad habits which in turn is a complete waste of time and money ! Ensure that you derive % benefit from your investment ! Offer includes: *Business English (finance, banking, legal, accounting, negotiations etc. *Exceptionally high standards * Translations
Education, Qualifications, Experience:
I have been teaching English in Poland for the last years at all levels of competency. The methodology used is CONVERSATION ! CONVERSATION ! It is precisely via. conversation that you acquire good pronunciation, extensive vocabulary, correct grammar as well as SELF CONFIDENCE !