Rodzinka z Londynu poszukuje Au Pair od zaraz
Przesympatyczna rodzina z rozslawionego Londynu zaprasza do siebie Au Pair. Mozliwosc nauki j. angielskiego, zwiedzania przepieknego Londynu, w ktorym zycie tetni h na dobe. Wiele szkol jezykowych dla obcokrajowcow i towarzystwo rodziny sprawia, iz imponujace beda Twoje nowe umiejetnosci jezykow.
Anglia, Londyn.
Dlugosc pobytu: do miesiecy.
Wiek dzieci: dziewczynka miesiecy, chlopiec latka.
Wymagania, jakie musisz spelniac:Komunikatywna/podstawowa znajomosc j. angielskiego,
Doswiadczenie w opiece nad dziecmi, poparte, co najmniej referencjami. Referencje moze wystawic np. sasiadka, z ktorej dziecmi wychodzisz na spacery lub spedzasz czas na placu zabaw.
Obowiazki: Opieka nad dziecmi oraz pomoc w domu.
Rodzina goszczaca oferuje:Tygodniowe kieszonkowe funtow,
Bezplatne wyzywienie,
Bezplatne zakwaterowanie,
Bilet miesieczny
Letter to Au Pair
Dear Au Pair,
We are a young, friendly and welcoming family from North London. My name is Erica and my Husband is Ben. We have two lovely children. Joshua is and goes to school days a week. Georgina is months old and is at home with me. In January I will be returning to work and Georgina will go to a child minder during the day. Joshua is an active, sociable little boy who loves playing with his friends, dancing, singing and playing trains and cars. Georgina is a sweet, happy baby who loves having people around to play with her.
We are looking for someone who is able to help us. We are looking for help with our children, in particular in the mornings, after school and early evenings. We need an au pair who is willing to participate in activities, babysit and also enjoy her own free time. I would hope for hours work per week and evenings babysitting. I would also expect the au pair to clean the house and do the laundry. I would be delighted for them to attend English school too. Most importantly we require an au pair who can be flexible throughout the day and week and enjoy spending time with us as a family.
The au pair would have her own double bedroom and bathroom and be encouraged to have her independent time too. We will provide a TV and access to the internet.
We are wanting someone friendly and who loves children. We are looking for someone who will develop a good bond with our children and who fit well into our family unit.
We are lucky to live in a lovely part of London and there is lots here to do. The transport is good and there are buses or tubes to central London so you can explore the city.
We look forward to welcoming you into our home.
Kind regards
Biuro Au Pair Koncepcja istnieje od roku. Wyroznia nas dlugoletnie doswiadczenie, stala i sprawdzona wspolpraca z zagranicznymi partnerami i rodzinami oraz godzinny serwis, czyli wsparcie dla naszych podopiecznych przez caly okres pobytu u rodziny goszczacej. Posiadamy Certyfikat Ministra Gospodarki i Pracy nr .
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z adnotacja w temacie maila: AUPAIR Londyn
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