Anglia - Housekeeper z prawem jazdy
AS AGENCJA PRACY nr certyf. poszukuje do pracy w Anglii housekeeper z prawem jazdy.
Oczekiwania: doswiadczenie
komunikatywny j. angielski
prawo jazdy
Stawka , GBP na godz brutto
Mieszkanie gwarantowane platne GBP na miesiac
Poczatek pracy w tym tygodniu
Praca na okres roku
All details of offer:
i need a housekeeper to work for a * guest house which is under hour from central London.
contract length minimum year
Duties: Room attendant, preparing breakfast, waitressing, potential to work in reception, mainly cleaning must be to a very high standard.
MUST DRIVE please do not send me any applicants who do not have a driving license as part of the job is driving between two guest houses all within Km of eachother, so they will have to be happy to drive in the UK
Paid: ;6. per hour
Hours: hours a week
days off per week
shift patterns: am pm, pm pm (may change depending on daily role business needs)
Holiday entitlement: calender year worked (pro rata)
Free live in and free food
, GBP/h
CV w jezyku angielskim prosze przeslac na adres email: z dopiskiem Housekeeper.