HVAC Engineer Region: Norwegia nowanie-stron
Firma J&C GROUP oferuje kompleksowe rozwiazania z obszaru Recruitment & Human Resources Consulting kadry sredniego i wyzszego szczebla branzy inzynieryjnej. Wspolpracujemy z klientami z
Holandii, Belgii, Wielkiej Brytanii, Norwegii i Zjednoczonych Emiratow Arabskich.
Dla naszego zagranicznego klienta firma poszukuje:HVAC Engineer
Region: Norwegia Stavanger
Numer referencyjny: HVAC Engineer
Assignment description: Regulatory and Company compliance.
Attend and actively contribute in technical HVAC discipline meetings.
Day-to-day contact with contractors’ HVAC engineers.
Selection and evaluation of technology, indentifying integration and infrastructure issues.
Implement procedures and standards and functional requirements.
Follow up contractors’ evaluation of technology and provide necessary interface with Operations during design stages
Review and comment accept contractor and vendor documentation.
Review and sign frame agreement vendors’ timesheets.
Monitor CTRs and manhours.
Report technical deviations.
Present proposals and alternative solutions when required, and contribute technically to everyday engineering.
Attend inter-discipline technical meetings.
Attend technical audits as requested by Management.
Process and follow up technical queries from contractors and Operations.
Actively support other disciplines to ensure inter-discipline coherence and experience transfer.
Participate in project risk management process.
Participate in HAZID and HAZOP meetings.
Follow up engineering progress and equipment RAS.
Follow up HVAC and sanitary installations and factory tests.
Contribute to clean and dry building design.
Competence requirements: Chartered Engineer/Engineer (BSc)
Less formal education may be compensated with documented relevant experience.
HVAC experience including Projects and/or Operations
Fluent English
Offer: Attractive salary limited contract (renewable).
Relocation Package
Employment on international projects within the biggest companies in Oil & Gas Industry
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z podaniem w tytule maila numeru referencyjnego
Prosimy o dopisanie nastepujacej klauzuli: „Wyrazam zgode na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych zawartych w mojej ofercie pracy dla potrzeb niezbednych do realizacji procesu rekrutacji zgodnie z ustawa z dnia sierpnia r. o ochronie danych osobowych (Dz. U. z r. Nr , poz. , ze zm.)”