Structural PDMS Designer Region: Norwegia
Firma J&C GROUP oferuje kompleksowe rozwiazania z obszaru Recruitment & Human Resources Consulting kadry sredniego i wyzszego szczebla branzy inzynieryjnej. Wspolpracujemy z klientami z
Holandii, Belgii, Wielkiej Brytanii, Norwegii i Zjednoczonych Emiratow Arabskich.
Dla naszego zagranicznego klienta firma poszukuje:Structural PDMS Designer
Region: Norwegia
Numer referencyjny: Structural Designer
Structural engineers design structures to withstand stresses and pressures such as weather and human use. They ensure structures do not bend, twist, collapse or vibrate and remain strong and secure throughout their use.
Structural engineers help design structures and work in close partnership with architects.
Structural engineers have to choose appropriate materials to meet design specifications. When construction has begun, they are often involved in inspecting the work and advising contractors. They also examine existing structures to test if they are structurally sound and still fit for purpose.
Assignment description:Tasks may vary depending on the structure being worked on and size of the team, but typically include: Analyzing configurations of the basic structural components of a building or other structure.
Calculating the pressures stresses and strains that each component, such as a beam or lintel, will experience from other parts of the structure due to human use or environmental pressures.
Considering the strength of various materials, to see how their inclusion may necessitate a change of structural design.
Liaising with other designers, including architects, to agree on safe designs of the construction.
Examining structures at risk of collapse and advising how to improve their structural integrity, such as recommending removal or repair of defective parts or rebuilding the entire structure.
Making drawings, specifications and computer models of structures for building contractors.
Investigating ground conditions and analyzing results of site tests, such as soil samples.
Liaising with construction contractors to ensure that new structures are structurally sound.
Applying expert knowledge of the forces that act on various structures.
Using computers and computer-aided design (CAD technology for simulation purposes.
Competence requirements: Offshore new building and modification topside projects. Both senior and junior will be evaluated.
Preferable knowledge to Norwegian offshore industry.
The candidate must have experience with PDMS D and PDMS draft (ver .0).
The candidate must have experience from offshore projects.
Bachelor or other relevant education.
Fluent English
Offer: Attractive salary limited contract (renewable).
Relocation Package
Employment on international projects within the biggest companies in Oil & Gas Industry
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Prosimy o dopisanie nastepujacej klauzuli: „Wyrazam zgode na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych zawartych w mojej ofercie pracy dla potrzeb niezbednych do realizacji procesu rekrutacji zgodnie z ustawa z dnia sierpnia r. o ochronie danych osobowych (Dz. U. z r. Nr , poz. , ze zm.)”