Rodzinka z Kildare poszukuje au pair od konca marca !
Brat mamy goszczacej rowniez mieszka wraz ze swoja rodzina w Kildare –od marca beda goscic nowa au pair z Polski.
Lokalizacja: Irlandia Kildare
Wyjazd: od konca marca/kwietnia
Wiek dziecka: Donnacha ˝ chlopiec)
Ailbhe mcy dziewcznyka)
Wymagania, jakie musisz spelniac:Wg uregulowan prawnych wiek od lat,
Komunikatywna znajomosc jezyka angielskiego.
doswiadczenie w opiece nad dziecmi, poparte referencjami. Referencje moze wystawic np. sasiadka, z ktorej dziecmi wychodzisz na spacery lub spedzasz czas na placu zabaw.
Obowiazki: Pomoc w opiece nad dzieckiem oraz drobne prace domowe.
Rodzina goszczaca oferuje:Mozliwosc uczeszczania na kurs jezyka obcego,
Tygodniowe kieszonkowe Euro
Bezplatne wyzywienie,
Bezplatne zakwaterowanie
Brat mamy goszczacej, wraz z rodzina oraz au pair z naszego biura mieszkaja w sasiedztwie!
Rodzina goscila au pair z Polski przez lata, mama goszczaca sama byla au pair w innym kraju , wiec doskonale wie jak zadbac o au pair aby czula sie dobrze u nich w domu,.
Dear Au-pair,
We are a busy family, two children, donnacha yrs and Ailbhe months). We live in a very rural area My brother has an au-pair our last au-pair walked through the field to see her during the week and at weekends.
I am a teaching principal and I work from . . I love spending time with the children, gardening, walking and playing badminton. My husband works very hard and isn’t here at all during the day. . . sometimes he is home very late. During the summer from mid-July to mid-august I will not need an au-pair, you can go home for this period or you are welcome to stay here free with no duties and no pocket money.
Your job is to care for the children, to ensure they are safe, happy and well. Along with this is some light house work e.g. hoovering, laundry, loading and unloading the dishwasher, giving the children snacks and lunch during the day, preparing veg. for dinner etc.
Donnacha is a busy little boy who loves being outside, he goes to playschool twice a week . . . Next September he will go days a week. Ailbhe is only months old and is a very good little baby.
I was an au-pair myself many years ago and I understand what life can be like for you. We would like you to make yourself at home and help yourself in the kitchen. The pocket money is euro a week paid on a Friday. Our last au-pair was very happy here and stayed an extra year as a result.
Looking forward to meeting you.
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W tresci maila prosimy wpisac: AUPAIR KILDARE )
Wyjazdy Edukacyjne Koncepcja
Wroclaw ul. Podwale pok.
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